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Learning Opportunities mainly via the Web

3 Nov 2019 7:22 PM | Susan Locklear


I have been busy learning many new things about my revised teaching position at Richland College, but you have also been on my mind. Our greatest opportunity for professional growth will be in Austin at the combined NCSS/TCSS conference November 21-24. I hope you have checked it out and signed up to come! I look forward to meeting and seeing you all there!

So what else is there that is available?

Teaching American History will have a webinar on Wednesday, November 20, 2019. It will be about the Webster-Hayne Debates. It is free! Also by attending the 60 minute webinar you will receive a continuing education certificate. For more information go to 

Be sure to continue to check the Institute of Texas Cultures Education at especially if you live in the San Antonio area. On November 10th, from Noon-4 PM there will be an american Indian Cultures Family day and it is FREE! On the 16th there will be Teaching Folktales; again Noon-4 PM but with a cost of $10-$15.00 and CPE credits.

Finally, be aware of what is happening with the Texas Alliance for Geographic Education which is now part of the Grosvenor Center for Geographic Education. Texas State University is offering a Master of Applied Geography (Geography Education) that will be 100% online. 

So much is happening that will build your education expertise! Let us know what you are discovering as well that can be shared with your fellow members!

See you in Austin!

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