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Professional Growth Opportunities

25 Aug 2019 8:11 PM | Susan Locklear

Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission:  Texas Holocaust Remembrance Week is a new law by Gov. Abbott. Please visit for more information. The date has yet to be set according to the website this evening, but materials are available at site.  They are also offering Educator Grants and the information to apply will be up the first week of September, 2019.

Teaching American History:  Multi-day colloquia will conducted in November and December. November opportunities with focus on Alexander Hamilton and the American Founding. In December there are two that will focus on George Washington and then JamesMadison. For more informtion, please visit 

National Geographic Society: Time to start thinking about the National GeoBee!  Go to for videos about how to have a fun and successful GeoBee at your school. All Title I schools are eligible for registration discounts.       A National Geographic Online Educator Network is also being offered through 

UTSA Institute of Texan Cultures: For those of you in the San Antonio area, Texan Cultures is offering Professional Development on Saturday, Sept. 21 from 9-11AM. The cost is $15 for non-members and $10.00 for members. On Sept. 21, a new event is being offered from 11:00-12:30 for free called: Exploring the World's Last Frontier: The Peopling of the Americas.  For more information go to 

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