The sometimes complex and lengthy process for revising the social studies TEKS has reached a point at which many educators engage - reviewing the draft proposals. Please keep in mind that getting to these draft changes has taken a fair amount of time. In that process teachers have participated in survey sessions facilitated by the regional service centers and the TEA hosted sessions at the TXCSS conference last fall to solicit input from social studies educators. Content advisors were selected, met and made recommendations to the State Board of Education(SBOE). Work groups were selected with the appointment approval of SBOE members and those groups have met several times to produce the current drafts.
The SBOE wants to hear from the teachers now.
Please take the time to review the drafts for revising the social studies TEKS
and email the SBOE with your thoughts, suggestions, concerns.
Social Studies TEKS Review Work
The most up to date K-8 draft is from Work Group F.
Notable changes to the social studies TEKS include the following:
- Introduction of a conceptual theme for K-2 to provide an overarching context for the content learned in those grades and allowing for the spiraling of this conceptual understanding to later grades. Kindergarten - Community; Grade 1-Culture, Grade 2- Migration
- Economic, geographic, political, and cultural concepts are integrated into the historical narrative in Grades K-8, providing context for these TEKS.
- Content related to culture, migration, and community in Texas is integrated K-2.
- A chronological historical focus established starting at Grade 3 with the study of ancient civilizations. In Grade 4 the focus is on classical civilizations and in Grade 5 postclassical/medieval civilizations.
- The basic tenets of five major world religions are presented in Grade 4 in the historical context of where and when these religious ideas were introduced. Sikhism is introduced in high school world history.
- Content in Grades 3-5 focuses on the characteristics of civilizations that most relate to understanding the present, such as innovations, ideas, government systems, and economic patterns.
- Grade 6, 7, 8 continue the chronological approach focusing on places, people, and events in North America from the 15th century through the latter 20th century. The content integrates the traditional study of Texas history with the study of U.S. History.
- TEKS are organized into historical eras Grade 3-8 and in the high school history courses. This eliminates TEKS that would possibly cut across units in curricula.
- Content for K-3 is significantly enhanced in order to support building background knowledge, which is supported by research about reading comprehension.
- In Grade 7 the standards for study of The U.S. Constitution are significantly expanded from the current study, possibly because of the integration of Texas and US History in a three year study.
- World History begins with the 13 century, allowing for more depth to be given to events in the modern age which have a more direct connection to present conditions.
- Significant content from Grade 6 - World Cultures has been integrated into other grade levels.
- The inclusion of multiple narratives is evident in the history courses.
TXCSS as an organization respects multiple narratives, so every teacher/member should advocate his/her position in regards to these changes. We learn more when we listen to each other. TXCSS applauds the hard work and dedication of those who have served on the work groups.
The SBOE meets next August 30 - September 2 , so make your voice heard soon.